Biore 2 in 1 Cleansing Wash

October 04, 2011

harga Rp 37300,- aku beli di century

ini merupakan facial foam buat ngebersihin muka dari make up, pelembab, sunblok, dsb. I think enough but not for mascara. aku pake maskara maybelline sama sekali gak bersih maskaranya tp lumayan lah ngurangin dikit jadi tinggal nglanjutin pake make up remover buat nuntasin.
But, my face is oily and easy to being acnes so isn't effective to preventive acnes just cleansing.
jadi palingan dipake pas habis make up aja, I mean habis pake foundie ato BB cream, karena buat sehari-hari cuma make skincare aja dan jarang pake make up berat.

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