Beauty Treats Indonesia

March 10, 2013

hai ladies,
Have you ever hear about beauty box?yes, beauty box is a box containing a mix of curated sample/ travel size beauty product. You can get this with subscribe their website and pay deal price every month. However, We do not know what products we will get. It was a surprise to their subcriber. In other country, beauty box is quite popular like ipsy and birchbox. Unfortunately, I scared to subscribe because I was traumatized by shipments from overseas*lol. Now, you can subscribe Indonesian beauty box. It's call beautytreats.

If you curious about beautytreats Indonesia, you can visit their website at

3 steps if you want beautiful box from beautytreats Indonesia

How to subscribe at beautytreats?
1. you can choose register at right side website
2. fill form registration or you can register via facebook or twitter
3. after that you can choose your subscription option and your payment method

As I said before, The contents of the box is usually a surprise. But the beauty treat will tell what the beautytreats box for next month. Of course, it is better to help the subsciber to decide whether to buy a box or not for next month.

Other features from beautytreats Indonesia :)

What are you waiting for?Let subscribe now, so you can get affordable beauty box at beautytreats



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